Stará Ľubovňa
Před pár dňami som sa rozhodol predať môj „ druhý “ telefón,
tak som ho pridal do bratislavskej inzercie
Deň na to mi napísal chlapík napodiv po anglicky, že chce
môj telefón, nakoniec pozrite sami.
(Boratovská anglictina na oboch stranách býva zaujímavá, ale
aby bola až tak nezrozumiteľná?)
my name is Musflak Smart i stay in Dublin i am must confess '' i am
interested in your item youm paste for sell, i want to know the present
condition of the item and the cost of the item i am sending it to my sons
who are presently in west Africa in Nigeria, i am paying you via bank transfer,
reply me if you are ready to sell the item for me.this is my personal mail
address {} so
that we can talk more better and know each other well better,
musflak S.
this is slovak server, so i am surprised, that you writing me from Dublin.
This mobile phone is allmost new, in use only 3 months, condition 10 from 10.
You want this phone to Africa? i dont
know how much cost shipping.,
the phone cost 23 eur. , Sorry for my english.
hi, thanks for mailing me back'' i am buying just 10
pieces from you, i want to know the total cost of the 10 pieces so bring down
the price for me'' also i will like to know the shipment cost to Nigeria, i am
waiting to hear from you..
Musthy S.
„neviem ako prišiel k 10 kusom "
Hi again,
i thing is mistake somwhere : I have only 1 phone to sell, (LG kp 100) for 23 €
+ shipping,. if you want i detect the shiping cost for you to nigeria (but only
1 piece) . So monday i write to you with the final prise with shipping to
nigeria. I hope its understandful :)
hi, happy for reading from you'' is that the
price of the phone plus the shipment if that is the total price i am
paying you via bank transfer ok. these are what i need for the payment,
Bank account number:
Bank name:
Bank address:
Full name of the account:
zip code:
pls dont make mistake dont make any mistake so i will not pay onto wrong
i am waiting to hear from you...
Musthy S.
No, this is price only for phone,. I called today to post service , and
shipping to nigeria cost 20,58 €, so the total price shut be 43,58, for this
price you can buy the phone new,,, so i dont now,,
if you want, i send it to nigeria, but it will cost 43,58 €..
hello, grate for hearing from you i am okay with that
so send me your account request i make the other time i am waiting to see the
account details so that i can make the payment to you through FIRST NATIONAL BANK
AND TRUST.. i am waiting to see the account details so that i can make
the payment into your account first thing tomorrow morning,
A tu mi to prišlo divné, tak som trošku
pogooglil a našiel som jeho záujem o tovar.
MUSTHY says:
I came across the item you placed for sale and i am highly
interested in making the urgent purchase of it for my son who is currently
studying in Nigeria as a Birthday gift which is coming up in a few weeks time.I
want the item to be shipped via
DHL and i want you to find out the cost of the shipping Via DHL to Nigeria.I am
offering you $100- pričom cena je 30 . I am going to pay you by paypal
Transfer. I want you to get back to me if you like this offer i am offering you
through my email
I found many e-mails from you in
more auctions, so i think you are somme bamboozler, because for the price you
can buy new, even better ware.
No a keď som narazil na Japonske forum , kde sa zrejme o ňom obete bavia,
tak ma napadá len jedna otázka.
Na tejto stránke vystupuje fakt pod rôznymi menami a funkciami, ale stale je tam ta nigeria...
Takže čo vás napadá?
Jak na tom vydelává??? Alebo načo mu to je?
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Kľudne si teda s dotyčným môžeš písať. Nič zlé ti od neho nehrozí, ak mu poskytneš číslo účtu (môžeš si ho kľudne aj vymyslieť, peniaze aj tak žiadne nepošle) a naťahuj trebárs odoslanie balíka, že máš napríklad problém s DHL a podobne, proste si vymýšľaj čokoľvek a tvár sa ochotne a možeš sa s ním takto hrať až do krajnosti :o) ... A ver tomu, že po tomto už o ňom v živote nebudeš počuť a budeš mať pokoj od takýchto debilov na večné veky - amen ;o) ...